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谷歌浏览器-站群Chrome 9发布

站群对Chrome的站群进行了如此频繁的更新,几乎没有人听说过它们。因此,当站群决定使用一个新版本时,它通常意味着重要的事情。 Chrome的最新更新至少有三个原因引起了媒体的关注:站群已达到9.0发布版本,已添加了几个关键功能,而新版本的发布时间实际上归功于Reddit社区。

9.0版本的内部版本号代表了又一个进步,但是就功能而言,这意味着什么呢?根据站群的Chrome博客,这里有三个关键组成部分。首先,我们改进了Chrome Web Store从您的浏览器访问的便捷性。现在,链接位于“新选项卡”窗口中,并且两个示例应用程序自动加载到浏览器中。其次谷歌浏览器,我们有WebGL,它是对浏览器的一组改进,可以为浏览器中的应用程序提供3D图形。这是 future of 站群, especially as it comes to gaming and the concept of a browser-based computer OS. And third, we have “Chrome Instant谷歌浏览器,” a feature that’s disabled by default but which will start loading sites even before you’ve finished typing their URL.

Another interesting side-note is the credit 站群 gives to the Reddit community — specifically “for playing so much of the game ‘Z-Type’ that they uncovered a Chromium audio bug.”

Chrome 9.0.597.84 is the current release, and all Chrome users should automatically update to that version assuming there are no issues with connecting to the update server. Those who haven’t been updated (you can find your current version by going to Settings > About 站群 Chrome) can simply visit chrome.google.com to download the newest version.
