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麒麟超级站群 站群的“ Hiybbprqag”备受关注

关于站群和Bing之间最近发生的混乱战斗麒麟超级站群,还有很多话要说-两家公司甚至有可能在即将发表的声明中继续杜绝这场战斗。但是,新闻界似乎主要是站在站群中,后者针对Bing的证据汇编强烈表明Bing确实是从站群SERP中提取数据。站群努力证明这一点的方法之一就是“ hiybbprqag”,这个词现在已经引起了媒体的明确关注。

什么是“ hiybbprqag”?在指责Bing**其搜索引擎结果之前,站群希望确保可以对这些指责进行备份。尽管他们注意到现有的搜索结果中有一些异常情况可以跟踪和呈现,但他们希望呈现出更加扎实的内容。为此,他们发明了几个单词,包括“ mbzrxpgjys”,“ juegosdeben1ogrande”,当然还有“ hiybbprqag”。然后,站群根据这些条款将不相关的站点手动加载到其SERP中。经过几场蒙特hs of no results from Bing, the Microsoft search engine result was topped with the loaded, bogus site.

To 站群, this was more than bizarre: It was hard evidence. At least some agree, including Stephen Colbert, who spoke about the events and the term at some length. Colbert has even given a definition to the term. “Apparently,” he stated, “hiybbprqag is a word meaning ‘you got served.'” He then concludes the segment by saying, “to all my friends at Bing — and I mean this, guys —



This isn’t the only popular attention received by the gibberish terms. Other news sources who reported on hiybbprqag include CBS and TechCrunch. A site was even set up on the 麒麟超级站群“hiybbprqag.com” domain page, apparently registered by a 站群 employee the day the mudslinging started, which has since been redirected to the 站群 Jobs page.
