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Ask.com通过最近引入其搜索引擎的两个新功能,使其在搜索引擎市场中占有一席之地。 News.com报告说Ask.com现在正在解析更多数据并将其显示在其搜索结果页面中。从今天开始,如果您访问Ask.com并提出问题,Ask.com的算法将尝试在结果页面中显示答案,而不仅仅是给出答案的链接。尽管Ask无名站群.com以前是在Ask Ask Jeeves以前做过的,但是之前是手动完成的。现在,整个过程是通过Ask自动化的。 com的算法。


从搜索引擎的外观上看,Ask.com还正在调整其呈现垂直搜索搜索结果的方式。因此,当您看到电视列表和活动以及其他各种类别的结果时, conducting your search.

Did the search engine improved on its speed as well? According to Ask.com, this 11th version of the search engine is 30 percent faster than the previous version. But speed of course is not the true mark of a good search engine but rather the accuracy of its results. Ask.com says it has improved on that aspect as well.

Quite frankly, I like the way Ask.com’s search results page display its data right now. It still maintains the clean look despite the introduction of new features. And the Q&A portion located on the right side of the search results page can be pretty helpful especially when conducting comprehensive searches on a particular topic.

But the bottomline still is, how accurate Ask.com’s search results are vis-a-vis other search engines’ search results.
