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Yesterday I was reviewing the statistics behind one of our link building campaigns which consists of contacting sites & publishers for links in their resource pages, articles or linking areas and the approval to denial ratio based upon responses from those publishers. Surprisingly, almost as many publishers responded with a no or sorry message as responded with a positive message.

Now, it may be easy to just forget those publishers who responded to say no, and concentrate on obtaining the links on the sites which responded with a yes, but each of these email responses is not just a no, in fact, its just the beginning. These emails are warm and trusted connections with these publishers because even though they may have said no, we cannot include the link or sorry, we cannot link to you because we’re linking to your compe*****, there are still ways to bring value from these connections which will help with your website marketing.

Here are some ideas I try when responding to an email 当某人对放置链接不感兴趣时:



他们是否拥有其他站点? :我是否收到一份点心无论是正面还是正面的回应,我通常都会跟进,问发布者他们拥有哪些其他网站,让他们知道我代表多个网站,并且我们可以与该发布者一起使用其他帐户。我们已经有他们的耳朵了,诀窍是从低垂的水果中获取最大的果汁。谁知道毒蜂站群?他们可能拥有多个垂直定位的网站,我们可以将这些网站用于当前或将来的客户进行链接建立,广告发布或其他任何形式。



“ 或类似的东西。

