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[织梦 站群]3种使关键字突出的方法

While I’ve never been advocative of focusing on such an old and overused SEO technique as keyword density, keyword prominence is something you should always bear in mind.

If you handle it right you will achieve:

better rankings;

higher crawl rate;

better-looking snippets in SERPs (and thus better clickthrough), etc织梦 站群.

Keyword prominence can be basically achieved by:

making sure the most important element goes after (or is close to) the opening tag in the page source code;

including your keyword in the SEO-sensitive elements of the page: title, anchor text, bold text, alt text, etc.

Let’s see how we can make one element/keyword of the page prominent over others:

Emphasize the most important keywords of the page with the help of basic semantic structure: make sure to take full advantage of H1, H2, H3 tags to make your page structure perfectly clear to a search bot.

Use SOC (source ordered content) technique especially in cases when your (customer’s) designer’s desires come into与页面SEO冲突。该技术简单易行,用途广泛:将富含关键字的织梦 站群内容放在源代码中靠近页面顶部的位置,并使用CSS以使网页设计师满意的方式对所有页面元素进行排序。

