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站群, Yahoo, Ask.com and other search engines usually make a rather big deal out of modifying their logos for different holidays and happenings.

Today is Memorial Day the United States, a National Holiday remembering soldiers & veterans lost in war.

Yahoo and Ask.com, even Dogpile all commemorate Memorial Day, along with other holidays, but for some reason 站群 is not choosing to do so.

站群, we love you克隆站群那个站群软件好, but you really can’t have it both ways. You can send Larry Page to Washington DC the week before Memorial Day to ask our Congress for access to the property of the citizens of the United States, but you cannot honor those who have given their lives to create and protect the Constitution of the United States of America?

When they launch new logos for other holidays and the other search engines have made it a custom to honor America’s fallen, why exactly is it that 站群 choosing not to honor Memorial Day?

Note : Although Live Search does not honor Memorial Day with a logo, MSN.com does have假期的广泛报道。
