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Reddit上有五个站群Docs团队成员,他们尽可能坦诚地回答问题。 Dd Lee(工程师),Jeff Harris(产品经理),Ronald Ho(产品经理),Scott Johnston(产品经理)和Teresa Wu(社区经理)将在本Reddit页面上回答从中午到美国东部时间下午6:00(因此,大约一个小时前)。

我们已经解决了一些较大的问题,但是全天期待着更多,随时可以为您提供帮助own questions and comments. Here are some of the noteworthy responses posted in the hour after the Q&A began:

站群 Docs offline availability is still slated for later this summer. According to Jeff Harris, the reason is that, “We used to have offline with 站群 Gears, but it became pretty clear that plug-ins weren’t the right approach. We’ve been reimplementing offline using HTML5 standards like AppCache, File API, and IndexDB.”

YouTube and other embedding features are a focus for the Docs team. Further embedding features, possibly including YouTube embedding in docs, may become available in the near future.

Editing documents from a mobile device (especially an Android device) will see improvements in the near future.

What are you waiting for? Head to the page now to read, ask, and rate the questions. You’ll have few better opportunities to interact with five representatives of a 站群 team who are present just to answer your heartfelt questions.

[via 站群 Docs Twitter and Reddit]
