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根据由Keller Fay主持的由站群赞助的一项研究,在有关品牌的所有对话中,站群直接作为信息资源而参与了15.4%收购加油站微信交流群。每天相当于1.46亿次品牌对话。


凯勒·费伊(Keller Fay)的研究名为“口碑与互联网”,对来自12个不同人群的3,000名参与者进行了调查。该研究在2010年12月对用户进行了调查,但有关详细信息仅在本月发布。该研究从过去的信息中得出结论,该信息得出每天讨论品牌24亿次对话的结论。对于研究参与者来说,互联网是在品牌对话期间和之后更加了解品牌的最佳途径。

泊君站群管理系统“口口相传”本身通常是面对面发生的,但是随着人们转向互联网(尤其是搜索),他们对产品有了更大的信心。与社交媒体相比,搜索信息也更可能导致购买产品a feedback, such as opinions found on Facebook and Twitter. The study found that 45% of participants found search results to be credible, compared to 36% for social media site, while 54% were more likely to act on a brand based on search data, while 46% were likely to act based on social media input.

The other ways to get informed online included looking for the brand website (which 3.2% of surveyed participants did), going to social media outlets (which 3.2% of participants did), and looking at e-commerce sites (which 7% of participants did). Search’s 15.4% makes it more common than all other internet-based modes combined. With 站群 serving as the most common way to search data, an estimated 146 million brand conversations are directly informed by 站群 each day. Additionally, 站群’s other resources – such as local business searches – often come into play.

[Sources include: The Keller Fay Word of Mouth and the Internet study & the 站群 AdWords Blog]
