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–这将使您新创建的网站被搜索引擎索引。您可以选择直接从您的网站链接到站点地图,也可以选择使用站群网站站长工具,Bing网站站长中心和Yahoo Site Explorer上传站点地图。有许多在线站点可以为您创建免费的站点地图(只要您的站点在一定数量的页面内)。

*注–您可能还希望设置robots.txt文件,以禁止某些搜索引擎将网站中不需要的页面编入索引。这用于消除重复的内容,保留“抓取空间”(如 I like to call it), and keep unwanted pages out of the index (such as your shopping cart page).

2. Set-up product feeds

– Setting up well optimized product feeds can be tedious at first, but it is well worth the effort. The data feed can then be submitted for free to various places such as 站群, MSN Shopping, TheFind, Price.com, myTriggers.com, & PriceSCAN. There are also paid services that operate on CPC and % based pricing structures. Data feeds will earn you more traffic and resulting sales. There is no good reason not to have one submitted to all of the free outlets.

3. Submit to DMOZ and other free niche directories

– The Open Directory Project or DMOZ is one of the best free links you can receive. Every new site (e-commerce or other) should submit their site to DMOZ upon launch. Due to the incredibly large amount of entries, it may take a while (months) for your site to be included. Be patient, high quality sites are often included. If you operate as a micro 网站或联属网络营销网站-那就试试其他地方的运气吧。

–通常,您还可以将许多特定位置目录提交给电子商务网站。如果设计合理且美观,请提交给任意数量的CSS画廊和目录。如果您出售Bar Mitzvah卡,请尝试提交至犹太目录。通过搜索变得富有创意,您应该找到一些简单,免费和相关的目录,非常值得您花时间和精力提交。




*注–不要忘记设置目标和转化渠道。还记得过滤掉自己的IP地址和nyone else that works on the site. Last, you may want to take advantage of one of the newer features and install page load time tracking.

5. 301 Redirect your various homepage URLs to be consistent

– While this may seem like a **all tweak, it can actually be the difference between your site ranking on the 1st page or the 4th. If your site URL is http://www.CustomerRave.com but you also have http://CustomerRave.com (along with other variations like /index.htm) you are creating duplicate content & spreading your link juice across multiple URLs. It’s standard practice to use a 301 redirect to consolidate all of these pages to one URL. Whichever version you choose is up to your discretion.

6. Sign up for 站群 Webmaster Tools & Webmaster Central

– This step is incredibly simple, and it can provide you with a variety of useful data points that will allow you to manage your site more effectively. You will be able to track backlinks, organic search clicks/impressions / CTR,平均网站加载时间,html错误,最重要的关键字等等。您要做的就是注册您的站点并使用各种方法之一进行验证。我建议通过元标记进行验证或将文件上传到您的服务器。它非常简单,但却非常有用。您可能还希望使用Bing Webmaster Central(Microsoft版本的站群Webmaster Tools)设置一个帐户。



–必须发布新闻稿。简单介绍一下您的公司,出售的产品,使您与众不同的东西等等。虽然您可以花很多钱来分发此新闻稿,但还有许多免费站点可让您免费分发(有些甚至允许您包含反向链接)。一些最受欢迎的网站是PR.com,PRlog.org,OpenPR.com,Free-Press-Release.com,1888PressRelease.com,i-Newswire.com, 24-7PressRelease.com, TheOpenPress.com, PRUrgent.com, PressMethod.com, & of course eCommWire.com.

8. Start a free blog

– Blogging is a great way to engage your audience, establish yourself as an authority in your industry, network, and build quality backlinks. Use a free platform like Blogger or WordPress and you can have a company blog started in less than 30 minutes. You can also pay to have the blog hosted on your domain – either way, it’s up to you.

*Note – Don’t forget to set up an RSS feed for your blog! Here are more essential blogging tips for you to bookmark.

9. Create social media accounts

– Nowadays it seems every business in every industry has social media accounts. While not every industry truly needs to be on Facebook, every e-commerce website should be. Create social media accounts on the big 3 – Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn. You may also want to create accounts on Youtube, Quora, Flickr, MySpace, Scribd, or any number of other social media sites related to your niche. For example, a retailer of baby products would want to make an account on CafeMom. Use your best judgment to determine which accounts are worth your time, and which aren’t. There’s no point of creating an account if you aren’t going to participate in the community and keep your information current.

10. Create social bookmarking accounts and start bookmarking your most important pages

– Social bookmarking is a great way to gain traffic and backlinks. While the links are not as authoritative as other sources, they will get your site indexed quicker and they are a great starting point for any e-commerce site that has just launched. The major players are Reddit, Digg, Delicious, Folkd, Fark, Diigo, Slashdot, & StumbleUpon. Wists, Kadooble, Fancy, & Nuji are also great social shopping sites that allow you to bookmark your products and gain traffic/backlinks. There are thousands more sites for social bookmarking, but unless you have an unlimited amount of time and resources to dedicate to this – I suggest you stick with the big ones and actively participate. It’s better to have a few social bookmarking accounts that carry weight电子商务, than hundreds that are neglected.

11. Sign up for HARO

– HARO (or Help a Reporter Out) is one of, if not the best place online for free PR. It’s a completely free subscription based service consisting of 3 day emails loaded with queries from various media outlets. It’s made up of journalists and bloggers looking for expert opinions, stories, and products. It’s a no brainer for any e-commerce site. You have the opportunity to earn media coverage on a wide variety of outlets – from the largest to the relatively **all.

*Note – There are similar, yet **aller, services that virtually mimic HARO – Reporter Connection, Pitch Rate, & Flacklist (think Facebook meets HARO), just to name a few. They are all free and definitely worth your time.

12. Set up 站群 Alerts to monitor brand mentions (& compe*****s)

– Setting up 站群 Alerts is simple as can be. Visit google.com/alerts and type in the terms that you want to be notified of as soon as they are included in any new indexed web pages. This is great to monitor brand mentions – not just your own, but also those of your competition. It’s also great for monitoring your most important keywords. You may find new opportunities or inspiration relatively quickly. Best of all, its free, and you don’t even need a Gmail account to use it.

13. Take advantage of $75 of free 站群 Adwords coupons

– There are many reasons for e-commerce site to try 站群 Adwords at least once. It can give you a better idea of the actual search volume of specific keywords, it lets you know which keywords your site performs best for, it lets you test different ad copy/promotions/landing pages/and marketing messages, and you can get $75 credit free when starting a new account! There’s no good reason not to give it a shot…

14. Sign up for and /或验证您的本地搜索页面

–如果您是一家拥有实体店面的电子商务网站,则应声明并验证您的本地搜索页面。站群Places,Yelp,Yellowpages,CitySearch,SuperPages,InsiderrPages,Merchant Circle,Bing Local和Yahoo Local是最先优化的地方。本地搜索是完全不同的动物……但是注册并验证您的位置信息页是获得更多本地流量的第一步。




这些最后的战术太接近了……但是没有成功。 - 任何一个because they were too advanced for the normal e-commerce site owner, not a large enough priority after an initial site launch, take too long to become effective, require too many resources, or because they are not entirely necessary for operating a successful e-commerce site. There were also many other ways to market your new e-commerce site that were not included, simply because they cost money.

Register for an affiliate program (a free one)

Blog comments and Q&A site participation

Download free SEO toolbars for Firefox

Article marketing

Guest Blogging

Link request emails

Compe***** link theft

Giveaways, donations and product reviews

Link bait

Forum participation

Submissions to general directories

Creation of a press list and contact of all the bloggers/journalists in your niche

Hopefully all you e-commerce people out there have already knocked most of the items off of this list…and if you haven’t – what你还在等吗您越早出发,越早开始增加流量并开始赚更多的钱。

