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站群+是公司的社交网络,目前处于封闭测试版中,尽管到目前为止,站群与投资者的成功关系不大,但该问题却应归咎于站群+。然而,社交网络的惊人增长-仅仅存在了三周,就令人赞叹不已s more than 10 million users in its invite-only beta program – is certainly a good sign of future growth. 站群 on the whole is also living up to its promises of internal growth, having hired 2,400 employees, bringing the company total to 28,768 at the end of the quarter端口站群.

This is also a good indicator for Larry Page’s leadership. Page, the co-founder of 站群 who re-took over the reigns of the company earlier this year, was met with mixed reviews and plenty of skeptici*dz论坛站群*. If any doubts remained, though, the 32 percent growth from the first quarter are likely to satiate them.

Approximately 69 percent of total 站群 revenues come from 站群-owned sites, with the remainder coming from side projects such as Blogger and Gmail, display advertising, and profits from the Android operating system, Chrome OS, and Chrome browser.

[Sources include: Times of India & 站群 Investor Relations]
