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站群服务器maizhuji 站群专注于,退休实验室和其他项目

毫无疑问,站群长期以来一直采用“万物策略”,试图将所有人的一切事物-至少是在互联网上。但是,拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)(联合创始人,自4月起担任CEO)率先采取了新的策略,以提高关注度和更具体的优先次序。作为这项工作的一部分,许多站群项目已经退休。最新的伤亡者是站群实验室。


站群实验室是一个展示新的站群项目构想的网站(并且是第一个Beta /审核机会),自2006年以来一直是站群的重要组成部分。不过,该产品已与大量API和几个其他的副项目。 “尽管我们通过在实验室中推出非常早期的原型已经学到了很多东西,但我们认为,要想充分利用未来的非凡机遇,更重要的是至关重要的,”站群研究与开发高级副总裁比尔内部群视频站·科夫兰(BilĺCoughran)解释说。系统基础架构。

这些实验室不会全部消失(尽管是的,很多都会消失)。正如考夫兰(Coughran)所说,for some labs “we’ll incorporate Labs products and technologies into different product areas.” Additionally, several mobile labs will continue to be available for download on the Android market.

Page’s Focus

Larry Page commented on the company’s new, more focused strategy. “While much of that work has not yet become visible externally, I am very happy with our progress here. Focus and prioritization are crucial given our amazing opportunities,” he stated. “Indeed, I see more opportunities for 站群 today than ever before.”

Part of the prioritization process involved shutting down services like 站群 Health, 站群 PowerMeter, and a long lineup of APIs. The remaining products are being streamlined and simplified, according to Page. Certainly the release of 站群+ has shown a lot more branding unity and cross-integration, and if Page站群服务器maizhuji’s remarks and the current trends are any indication, we can expect a lot more of this in the future.

[Sources include: Larry Page & The Official 站群 Blog]
