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站群管理系统哪个好:站群的Interactive Alexander Calder Doodle

站群Calder Doodle

亚历山大·卡尔德(Alexander Calder)是一位具有艺术精神和奔放创造力的人,这些特征导致了他最了解的发明:移动电话。现站群管理系统哪个好在这是一个普遍的问题,摆在世界各地的年轻人的床上方,该手机最初是一个艺术项目,它使媒体完全认为我们不那么艺术化(电线和弹片),并使其成为抽象和运动的杰作。

但是,与搜索引擎到底有什么关系呢?好吧,如果您有幸在7月22日观看此视频,可以通过访问站群.com亲自找到答案。他们的主页上显示了移动样式的站群Doodle。真正符合移动设备的基本概念,即移动性,此徽标是可移动的。用户可以单击并拖动移动设备,然后自然地观看移动设备的“漂移”。 (如果您错过了显示器本身,那么您应该能够很快在``站群徽标''页面上看到它。)

玛丽莎·梅耶(Marissa Mayer)在车站展示了手机的其他功能群+ update: “If you pick up your laptop and rock it from side to side, the mobile swings and moves (cool use of the accelerometer in most laptops).”

This feat of engineering was inspired by Alexander Calder and released in commemoration of his birthday (it would have been his 113th). Jered Wierzbicki, a 站群 software engineer, saw a Calder exhibit and related to the idea of working with abstractions. After he demonstrated a computer-based mobile to other 站群rs, fellow engineers and the 站群 doodle staff hopped on board. “I’m proud to work for a company where an idea like this can actually happen,” said Wierzbicki.

It’s not just his fellow 站群rs that enabled the mobile doodle, though. As the first 站群 doodle using only the HTML 5 canvas, the mobile doodle takes advantage of the latest browser technologies – and, of course, the correlating modern browsers. That means站群管理系统哪个好, among other things, you’ll need IE8 or 9, Firefox 3+, or Chrome 9+ to view the effects.

[Sources include: Marissa Mayer & The官方站群博客]
