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A very insightful thread at WebmasterWorld discusses how 站群 might distinguish trust and authority notions and how they might influence the algorithm.

In a very summarized manner, the discussion resolves into the following:



Is based on…

A hand picked "seed list" of trusted domains" (see also "Trustrank")

Overall quantity and quality of inbound external links

Role in the algorithm山西seo优化

Protects you from "站群-bowling" campaign against your domain

Matters for rankings


Query-independent factor

Query- and topic-dependent factor

Attributed toseo排名培训


A page

This theory can be interpreted in several ways. We can differentiate between trust and relevance where trust is attributed to the domain whereas relevance comes from having backlinks from sites that have similar content who also have backlinks from relevant sites.

Other useful notions to consider are hubs and authority sites: hubs link out to a lot of authoritative documents and authority 网站由许多权威文件链接。
