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“我认为自己是一个非常简单的家伙,由于以下几个原因,我总是很难回答这个问题:一个是因为我不习惯拿礼物,而两个是因为我收到的大部分礼物我从未使用过,所以最终出现在我不合适的玩具箱中,里面装满了迷你DVD便携式摄录机,PSP,iPod Shuffle,收集的帽子太小,无法容纳巨大的头部以及其他我不使用或已过时的东西。

然后,我考虑一下我真正想要的东西,例如新的劳斯莱斯Ghost或HAL机器人套装,由于这些东西太过顶部了,我闭上嘴,进入“ aww shucks”模式,然后结束用礼品卡之类的东西。

因此,当世界其他国家/地区忙于准备圣诞节(或冬季假期选择)的愿望清单时,我不得不思考SEO不仅是一项工作,而且还是一种ife, and how us “站群 nerds” had better be **art in wishing for things you want this year. And if you play your cards right and ask Santa for the right things, your next year in SEO could be an easier passage.

So I’ve made a list of 5 things that I believe can help me, in the coming year, to retain my sanity as well as my hair, and improve my standard of SEO life.

1. Verizon MiFi

The Mifi is one thing that I definitely want from Santa this Christmas. For the (un)blissfully unaware, the Mifi is a tiny portable device that can convert incoming 3G signals to a **all Wi-Fi network which can then be accessed by my laptop, notebook or tablet. MiFi’s are basically mobile hotspots, that I own and control, and keep me online almost anywhere the Verizon network has connectivity (sorry AT&T).

The Mifi is, actually, a battery powered modem that you can use to latch on to WiFi networks using a simple Wi-Fi radio. What this means is that now I don’t have to worry about signal drops or connectivity issues as long as this gadget is in my pocket. The Orioles have moved their Spring Training home to Sarasota, which is about an hour from Search & Social’s Tampa office, and I forsee myself attending many Spring Training games and working on location. Furthermore, with all of the travel people in this industry seem to do, this tiny gizmo in my pocket can put paid to a lot of worries at conferences, where wireless connections are always an issue.

2. Subscriptions to Inc, Fortune, Wired, Webmaster Magazine

I spend a lot of time in front of the computer圣诞节, but when I’m away from the screen, like on Sundays, I enjoy reading or watching business related media that sparks my interest and can also get creative biz ideas flowing. This may sound lame, but I like to sprawl out on the couch on Sundays, put football on, and thumb through Inc. and Fortune. Sometimes at work I’ll go eat lunch

away from my desk

and flip through Wired. Every once in a while I’ll come across an SEO related story which really gets me excited, almost as much as the time I heard NPR report on Yahoo dropping 站群 search earlier in the decade. That stuff just gets me excited.

What’s kind of nice is that magazines like Fortune, Wired, Webmaster Magazine and Inc don’t cost much if you get a subscription (I suggest Subscription.com), and they are all vital sources of information. The ROI is huge! Mix the magazines with episodes of Shark Tank & CNBC specials, and you’ve got a recipe for success!

3. Head Massagerseo

Like I said earlier, I’ve been losing quite a lot of hair, lately, probably due to the brainstorming sessions we have here at Search and Social, working across from Dave Snyder and simple genetics. This one makes my wish list because it promises me the elixir I’m looking for to regain my lost hair, youthful looks and sanity. Skeptics might argue on this one, but I’m going to include this in the wish list, because, even if I don’t stop losing hair, I can, at least, go to sleep earlier with a soothing massage.

Furthermore, head massagers can really be great in the middle of the day, when you are starting to get your headaches or eyes are hurting from staring at the monitor, slap one of these babies on your head and relax for 10 minutes, dreaming of links & rankings. I suggest the Head Spa Massager as featured in Skymall, another one of my favorite magazines.

4. 站群 Socks

This might come as a surprise to many of my friends, peers, and compe*****s and even Santa himself when he sees this on my wish list, but I just think that 站群 Socks are the collest thing ever!

Do they come in size 16?

The fact is…the gentle, grateful soul that I am, acknowledging the power of 站群 and paying tribute to the search giant by wearing a pair of 站群 Socks with the 站群 colors is my way of showing my gratitude, if only they could be pulled up all the way to my knees and not ankle socks. I think I’ll take some 站群 Beanbags too!

So those are the four things I want on my Christmas SEO Wishlist, but I’m确保其他搜索营销人员也希望在假期期间获得其他优惠。所以我今天早上在Twitter上问,这是答复:

@theml**ith我想要一个Chrome Cookie罐。哦,还有更多的seo扩展

@monicawright无痛搜索引擎优化报告。哦,@ lisabarone的写作技巧。

@davesnyder Android平板电脑http://www.engadget.com/2009/12/20/icd-ultra-android-tablet-hands-on/


@leeodden ATT在纽约市提供的优质服务!

@creditgoddess也许是一些SEO认证课程http://tinyurl.com/y8p7oqf或SEO Dojo成员资格的扩展http://tinyurl.com/yeaqsn4

